Thursday, October 16, 2008

Latest News

The Pied Piper of Hamelin opens this weekend in the black box. The show runs for two weekends only. Seating is very limited, so make your reservations today!

The Night of Mayhem scheduled for October 31st has been cancelled due to scheduling conflicts. However, there will now be a murder mystery on November 8th. The theme is Clue. Reservations are now being accepted for the mystery and dinner. Dinner will be catered by Contemporary Catering. The cost is $25 per person.

On November 1st, former NCTC artistic director Dale Lyles will present Coriolanus. This performance is a benefit for NCTC. Coriolanus is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, based on the life of the legendary Roman leader, Gaius Martius Coriolanus. The show will begin at 8 pm. Donations appreciated!

The NITWITS Improv Comedy Troupe will next perform on November 15th at 8 pm. The cost is $5 at the door.

Male adult and teenage cast members are still needed for A Christmas Carol. There are also supporting roles for females available. If you are interested in being part of the cast, contact director Dewyne Jefferson at theoldcrow@charter. net.

Season tickets for 2009 are still available! If you purchase your tickets during October, you'll receive three free individual show tickets and one NITWITS ticket. The tickets will be mailed in plenty of time to give as a gift for Christmas.

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