Sunday, November 23, 2008


If you noticed how nice and bright the parking lot is, this is the person to thank. Will Kemp and his scout troop upgraded the lighting and painted all the parking spaces at the theatre.

The other major improvement at the theatre is the wood flooring in the lobby. We have Joe Crain (the theatre's landlord) to thank for that. It is absolutely beautiful and you can't miss it when you enter the building.

This year, NCTC is definitely thankful to Will and Joe, and all of you who come down to lend a hand. Whether it be by watching a show, purchasing a season ticket, painting, cleaning, building sets, or one of the many other activities at NCTC. Since the group is 100% volunteer run (and relies 100% on donations/ticket sales), without it, there'd be no theatre.

Thank you all so much!

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