Monday, February 8, 2010

Volunteering At NCTC

It is perhaps one of the great ironies of my life that, as much as I love theatre, I am-quite honestly-not much more (and possibly less) than a mediocre actress. Its quite true...and no one really had to tell me so. I figured it out all on my own. The sad fact of the matter is that not all of us are born to perform on stage. Another even sadder fact is that there are people out there who believe if they aren't born to perform there is no place in the theatre for them! Perish the thought!

The truth of the matter much as we love our actors...they actually make up a small portion of each show. In fact, it takes around 70 non-actor type volunteers to help make each show possible!!! There is the producer, the stage manager, the backstage crew, set designers, set builders, volunteers to help with publicity, costume and props, lights & sound...and that is before the show even runs! Once the show begins we need volunteers willing to help with concessions, ushering, season ticket holder concierge, box office...and someone has to be the house manager on duty (gotta make sure someon turns the lights off! lol)

In addition to help during each show we have ongoing positions that we really need to see filled including audition helpers to assist directors during auditions (hand out forms, take head shots, etc), someone willing to design and create programs for our shows, people willing to help our Director of Publicity out, and we are currently looking for someone to step into the role of House Manager.

If it sounds like a is. Newnan Community Theatre is run entirely with volunteers. All of us have day jobs, kids, errands to run, etc but we love theatre. We specifically love this theatre. And we would love to have you be a part of it...not just sitting in the audience (which is great by the way...we appreciate our audiences SO much!) but being involved in creating the shows that the audience comes to see! And there's all sorts of benefits besides working with a wonderful group of people including special events and the chance to see shows for free!

To find out more
Or you can email me at

See a job that interests you but you have no idea how to do it? We'll teach you (or at least attempt to). All you gotta do is ask!

Cindy Battles
Rather better at being a "volunteer coordinator" than an actress :)

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